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The work of Braille Without Borders
cannot be done without the support of donors and well wishers. One of
theses supporters is Vision Textiles;

Vision Textiles
Vision Textiles has more than 15 years of
experience in garment design and production. Its headquarter and BSCI-approved private
factory are located in China, and international divisions are operating from
the United States, India and Hong Kong. Vision Textiles’ customers
include fashion brands, as well as school and corporate uniform clients.
After years of research, Vision Textiles
founded Waste2Wear, a brand of fabrics made out of recycled plastic
In a unique process, environmental damaging
waste is turned into sustainable yarns. These yarns can be combined with
natural fibers to be woven or knitted into 100% eco-friendly fabrics, suitable
for garments. For many years, Vision Textiles has been a supporter of Braille Without Borders.
For more information about Vision Textiles
or Vision Textiles’ partnership with Braille Without Borders, please
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