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Dear visitor, as mentioned on the home page, Braille Without Borders is no longer working in Tibet.
In 2017, we had to hand over the school, the farm, the Braille printing
Press and the self-integration program to the local governmental
Since 2009 we have been running kanthari, an
international instutute for impact leadership in the South of India.
There, we provide a one year course for change makers who have overcome
adversity and because of that carry a plan to start a social and/or
environmental project/organisation/venture. Participants come from all
over the world. as per the end of 2024, 303 social change makers from
57 countries have been trained and this has resulted in 195+
organisations positively impacting the lives of thousands of people who
are situated on the margins of sociaty.
If you wish to learn more and/or support our work, please visit www.kanthari.org
THANK YOU for your support!